wohaaa.... it's nice to re-blogging after about many weeks I left it 'alone'. Apparently, it's due to busyness and there's no time to do blogging thing again. Plus.... because i don't have any ideas to post. (that's the main cause actually)-mumbling-~
Actually I am just finishing my Biology test and there's another test on next Thursday. i hope it'll be ok.
Hemm.. recently, Swinburne had organized an event called "A New Beginning". But, I didn't joining that event as it is too "crowded" hohoho...... Luckily, One of my new friend asking me to play futsal at that night. Otherwise, I'll go to that event as it is a very boring Saturday night. We're playing on the top of the parking building, where the futsal court were build. Woohaa... It was so fun and fit hahaha... Play with bangladesh, arabs, sri lankans, indians, chinese and theres some malaysians(peninsular). From 9.00pm- 11.30pm we playing futsal. But, that 'event' still on going till late nite.

yup... although we're playing on that top of other buildings, but still can hear the music and screaming of those 'pathetic' humans. Before we're going down after finishing the game, Ahsan give some advice to us about that matter. Ahhaah, about that parties or any functions that related to it.
He said , " this is one of the fitnah that happened in our ummah now days. For them, it's just a culture and it is not wrong. But remember my dear brothers, Allah had blinded their visions and makes deaf of their ears for those who rejected of what did the syariat said."
Then, I remember of the video of "TheDeenShow". One of the panels says something about an old Arabs words,
" In a battle, you can still protect yourselves if arrows comes from one point. But if it comes from many direction, you'll killed. The fitnah is just like an arrow.
But today, the arrow that attacking us comes in many angles and directions. That's the challenge of our ummah nowadays."

Ya Allah, keep our heart to be always with You. O my Creator, reminds me when I forgets your commandments, so we will not follows those who astray. Ameen..
May Allah bless us...~