Thursday, March 31, 2011

What... Unimas???


Arie nie kiteorg ade lab belah petang. Tapi aku tak suke brtapa dlm bilik pagi2 so, aku pi siap2 dan mencari mee kolok ngan kopi tarik. Ahaa.. sementara aku tunggu mee, aku pi lah jengok kat newspaper yg diorg jual. Dan yg aku nampak kat muke depan paper semuenye pasal politik! Ade yg gmbar naek sampan sambil angkat tangan dengan... cheezze!! SAtu Malaysia!!... sigh..

hemm... ok.

Politik, kalau takde 'guideline' memang disgusting!! yuck..

Then, "Owh, mee kolok aku belum siap'', kata suara perutku. Tengah aku tersenyum kambing tengok gelagat para politician malaysia, aku terpaku trlihat ade gambar yg menarik tapi sukar dipahami. Pasal tue paper Sin Chew Daily.. wawawa.. Ade gambar 'jambatan cinta' (budak Unimas je yg tau pasal jambatan nie) dengan sebungkus beg plastik mayat. Nak bace aku tak geti, so aku pi tahan sorg budak Sarawakian Chinese yg tgh makan sambail brjalan utk bacekn paper tu. "Owh... haiya this fella kill him self ma, what we call hah?... Owh, suicide!", dgn nada gmbire die mengexplain kn aku.

Budak tue dlm beg plastik. nmpak tak?...
Then, haa! macam Fam je?

Aku dpt tau yg die nie mmg ade masalah...

If berminat dengan surat yg die tulis, nih aku ade letakkan link. Boleh lah korg paham .

Die pon ade FB... if nak kenal boleh laa korg pi carik. Aku dah jumpe dah!! hehe..

Any way... Life is full of adversities. Sometimes when some disaster happens, we'll start to act 'abnormally' and feeling frustrated. Feeling sad, confuse, mad, hate, loneliness and give up... etc. Well it's life. These are just like the spices which will make your life be more lively and spicy.. heh!

Sometimes people always be like voluntary commenter, I mean that they love to evaluate a person... I think just for their fun. Hey, Joking!! You label somebody who's trying to change to be better person but at the end, they ended to be soo different. Even, you can't recognize them anymore. Because why? because they already decomposed (after suicide) and u r not trying to make things better, instead u r the one who 'cook' them under a great pressure. Jeez...

"And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allah's) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him)."(3:159)
You know what did He said?? BE GENTLE!

I know, it's hard to do Da'wah or preaching to our society. That's why please do not narrow the methods or way how to preach people. It's not necessary to be only in the mosque, in a group of 'special' people or just for the specific ideology! Wooha.!!!

Have you heard? :

Rasulullah SAW, “Sampaikanlah dari ku walaupun hanya satu ayat.”
-Hadis Riwayat Ahmad, Bukhari, Tarmidzi-
While eating, meeting, cooking, walking ....etc, you still can do it anywhere! Isn't it great =) You know why Allah SWT make it very easy?? Because everybody must take a part of it. Not restricted to certain people. Remember, Islam is not something to be exclusive for certain group. Ahah... that's right! That is how the system works!

Aqidah is the crucial part that must be correct first. Without a clear and strong faith to Allah, I'am sure the same thing could happened to everyone. Including me...


Life is like a wheel... and it keeps rotating.
Life is loom... which the days is a thread
It might to be uncomfortable to be down there
But believe me, we'll be at the top again somehow
And a yarn of thread started only with a single fine line thread
And only Allah decides when to cut them
Even though the job is unfinished
We're all by His mercy

You know what, I believe that everybody have their own problem. Don't run from it, but take it as a challenge to your self. Suicide is not an option.

Keep positive and smile. May Allah bless us with His taufiq n hidayah to be success in this world and hereafter. Insyallah.. Amin

- (biar senyum tapi bertempat tau)- Hehehe..
foot note:

1. Pic taken from Borneo Post

Friday, March 25, 2011

JUST10 min....

Gomen... sorry... Maaf

Peace be on to you.. Haih.. Aku target nak wat 5 posting utk setiap bulan. Nampaknye mmg tak boleh... takpe, next month aku try lagik.. huuuu....

Hermm.. Hari tue aku ngan kengkawan aku pi Pasir Pandak.. Ade family day.. Main kat pantai dari tengahari sampai pukul 2.00 ptg. Dan hasilnye, color kulit dah 'ter'gelap cikit.. Adoyai.. Tapi yg best nye, kiteorg aritue ade main mcm2 game... Ye lah, family day d katekan..

Yg paling best nye, aku dpt collect beberapa 'bivalve' yg sedang merangkak2 kat pasir. Dah lah saiz besar2, aku pun bawak lah balik ke bilik. Pas tue aku simpan 'diorg' dalam container (air masin). Dan aku pi masak 2 ekor (ade ekor ke?) pagi besoknye sbelum ke lecture. Tetibe tengahari tue aku demam...

Aku teringat plak bapak aku time dulu2 penah kate... ''masak betul2!! ''. Haa.. haish..

Yg spare 2 ekor yg hidup tue ak sedekah kat lecturer (bukan rasuah tau). Pasal dalam lab die ade aquarium.. Maka trselamatlah si dua ekor tue dari dimasak

Memang besar2

Haaa... then, last selase plak aku baru ja lepas satu paper (exam). Dua lagik paper yg menunggu lepas nih... ...

OK, owh... Dah habih 10 minit...
aku kene pegi dulu.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Caffeine resistant organism

Mate dah mcm kuyu. Menguap dah >5times. Sky juice dah berliter2. Kopi dah ber kole2. Walaupun dah lebih (terover dose) caffeine, tapi mate nie mcm dah nak melekat.

Arggh… CIC (careers in curriculum )… mmg beban cikit. Nk kene wat job matching, kene kaji pasaran perkerjaan, kene carik company2 yg related ngan course and the last part kene wat resume. Tengah2 wat resume…. Ak bru je prasan yg sijil2 aku time kat MRSM dah hilang!!! Oh yaa, dalam beg baju aku yg kene curi last year.... huhuhu…(T_T)”

-gelak perlahan dgn gaya emo-

Roomate aku yg telinge nye trsumbat earphone pn boleh perasan…. (~__~) creepy…

Then, roommate aku kate. “Wei, tido lah ko.. dah mcm ayam kene sembelih plak.” Haah.. ayam??? adoi, lame ak x dengar..

Pastu ak teringat plak ad brg kat freezer. Pasal ptg tadi ak mcm x leh wat keje. So, ak try wat experiment menggunekan :

S. cerevisiae

+ gule + tepung + susu + kentang =


Then aku goreng… maka jadilah produk makanan yg halal.

Then aku letak dlm freezer, so.. bile nk makan just reheat gune microwave!! Brilliant!

So, bile dh sampai kat fridge.. ak bru teringat… owh, tadi ak dah berus gigi..

...Tak jadi…..nk makan.. Ok, mkn tgh mlm x bagus...

At the end, tido lah aku dgn alarm yg x diset… akibatnye… paham2 lah!!
