Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Friends are not like chopsticks!!

Salam a'alik...First of all, I feeling very bad for not update this blog for the past 7 days... Gomen..

Secondly, mcm biaselah dgn scientific literature, pastue BLAST lah. ... etc

Thirdly, ak tgh pikir n menganalisa tentang politik yg berlaku kat sini. Politik atas name friendship... aku tak kesah ape2 jenis alasan dia kasi, but sampai tak cakap (I mean as classmate) and then buat2 tak tau. Pastue, bile nak mintak tolong pandai plak ye!!(mode marah)


Then rumors.... its smells fishy, but I still don't believe it because you r muslim. At least, aku 'bersangke baek' walaupun rumors tue seakan-akan real. But, if masih ngan attitude macam nie, mmg susah lah aku nk pecaye. Just like hiding something from us.. owh why?? Then, I know lah mmg ade prob besar tapi tak semestinye bile ko ade prob besaq mcm nie ko senang2 je campak kengkawan ko mcm chopstick!!

Mmg serious, ko wat aku, geng aku, serumpun aku etc... rase brsalah. Ape lah rugi sgt if share prob tue ngan kengkawan yg ko pecaye (kiteorg), at least you will be more relieve or we all can find the solution together for the prob that you hv.

I feel really2 feel disappointed ngan bdk nie. As a friend, I think you are my greatest failure. I put all the blame on my self and I never regret to be your friend. May Allah help you to change into a beter person one day. Bye...

Monday, July 11, 2011

It just too much ...


Short semester... the time is just too short for me. Doing two subjects like biochem labs n research skills project makes my life became more exciting!! *lagik complicated ade lah!* Agak exciting pasal aku nie jenis yg boleh multi tasking. Kadang2 dulu aku penah wat 4 task kat 2 tempat dalam 1 hari. hehe... Pasal tue time management kene ade. Semua bende boleh buat (insyallah) kalau time ber-management dan berdisiplin.

Haa, so ape yg sampai killing sangat nih?? OK, Every week kene wat literature review. Kalau sorang2 wat mmg sekejap je habis tapi nie group work. Yang aku nie sgt kurang efisyen kalau ade tasking yg bergroup, anyway sabor je lah. Mmg kene biasakan kerje bergroup, pasal final year project kene wat in the group. Cume group aku nie asyik berubah2 at last aku jadi yg tertua kat dlm group pasal junior aku gang dalam team aku... (nie lah mase nak memerintah dgn kejam!! Hwawawa..) Plus, report every week (berteman kn lecturer yg sgt gile strict!) haiyoo!

Habis PUBMED, NCBI, etc.... semua bebagai journal kiteorg geledah. Yang best sekali kat "African biotechnology", situ banyak journal yg free2 dan brkualiti. Korg bley try sites tue. It will helping you a lot tau. hehehe..

ok, it's 4.14pm ~ suara azan sayup2 kedengaran dengan hujan yg tetibe je turun walaupun hari sgt panas ptg nie. Chow..

Monday, July 4, 2011

Be cool!!

''You shouldn't rush yourself. It's hard to make things go the way you want them to. This includes yourself, and others as well." (Itsuki Sensei)

Sometimes, when something that you waiting for or something that you always mention everyday suddenly appear. Or in other words, what will you gonna do when the question that always burdening your brain to think which make yourself feel worry all over the time was answered. While in other hand, you still not prepare anything to accept it! Therefore, we need a very clear mind and a good guide when confronting with this such of problem.

To have a calm mind (fully concentrate), you always to belief to qada n qadar that being written for you. So, what the hack is that? actually Qada means fulfilling(perlaksanaan) and qadar is pre-estimate (sukatan). This is the thing that we should believe by each of the Muslim. As the 6th pillar of Iman, it is a compulsory for us to accept it and believe it. Do you guys know why?

Ok, just flash back to some memory during back days, two years ago. During that time, do you can imagine or do you have any idea what you are gonna be right now. Yes, of course you still can design or plan for you to work and strive in achieving your dream. Sometimes, you make some "risk assessment"(mcm nk masuk lab) so, hoping that you make something perfect for that day. But sometimes your day doesn't go well. eg, your experiment turns into failure. Yet, some people who are not patience enough, they will start to do something insane. Everything became so blur and every steps that being taken became so wrong. Therefore, be calm and think clearly when doing judges.

Be patience ok!

Life is full of adversities, it is sometimes sweet and it can be a little bit bitter. Believing that everything that happened either it is good or bad came from the luck is actually not based on our aqidah(belief). There are some people who blame the fate, these are the person who did not dare to accept the truth. Make a decision, think carefully and act upon your choice. Yuuki Kei had said,"life is about selecting, and selecting is to cast off other choices". The outcomes might be good or not too bad. As being said in Quran:

"And We task not any person except according to his capacity, and with Us is a Record which speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged." (23:62)

Therefore, start making your own decision today and be more responsible to your life!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

nervous.... but alhamdulillah!

Too slow, too suspense

Last Friday, 1st July, dengan bertemankan internet yang sangat slow macam sloth, debaran yang ditunggu2 sudah tiba. Yup, result sem lepas baru jee publish. Punye lah nervous gile pagi tue. Dah lah internet punye connection teruk. Suspese gak bile tengah loading pasal bile loading, tetibe je connection time out! But anyway, alhamdullillah result tak mengecewakan tapi tak lah gempak giler. Just on the safe side.. hehehe.. So, commencing new sem (short sem) this 4th July. Hoping everything will be alright for this coming sem. ameen.