Friends are not like chopsticks!!
Salam a'alik...First of all, I feeling very bad for not update this blog for the past 7 days... Gomen..

Secondly, mcm biaselah dgn scientific literature, pastue BLAST lah. ... etc
Thirdly, ak tgh pikir n menganalisa tentang politik yg berlaku kat sini. Politik atas name friendship... aku tak kesah ape2 jenis alasan dia kasi, but sampai tak cakap (I mean as classmate) and then buat2 tak tau. Pastue, bile nak mintak tolong pandai plak ye!!(mode marah)
Then rumors.... its smells fishy, but I still don't believe it because you r muslim. At least, aku 'bersangke baek' walaupun rumors tue seakan-akan real. But, if masih ngan attitude macam nie, mmg susah lah aku nk pecaye. Just like hiding something from us.. owh why?? Then, I know lah mmg ade prob besar tapi tak semestinye bile ko ade prob besaq mcm nie ko senang2 je campak kengkawan ko mcm chopstick!!
Mmg serious, ko wat aku, geng aku, serumpun aku etc... rase brsalah. Ape lah rugi sgt if share prob tue ngan kengkawan yg ko pecaye (kiteorg), at least you will be more relieve or we all can find the solution together for the prob that you hv.
I feel really2 feel disappointed ngan bdk nie. As a friend, I think you are my greatest failure. I put all the blame on my self and I never regret to be your friend. May Allah help you to change into a beter person one day. Bye...