''You shouldn't rush yourself. It's hard to make things go the way you want them to. This includes yourself, and others as well." (Itsuki Sensei)
Sometimes, when something that you waiting for or something that you always mention everyday suddenly appear. Or in other words, what will you gonna do when the question that always burdening your brain to think which make yourself feel worry all over the time was answered. While in other hand, you still not prepare anything to accept it! Therefore, we need a very clear mind and a good guide when confronting with this such of problem.
To have a calm mind (fully concentrate), you always to belief to qada n qadar that being written for you. So, what the hack is that? actually Qada means fulfilling(perlaksanaan) and qadar is pre-estimate (sukatan). This is the thing that we should believe by each of the Muslim. As the 6th pillar of Iman, it is a compulsory for us to accept it and believe it. Do you guys know why?
Ok, just flash back to some memory during back days, two years ago. During that time, do you can imagine or do you have any idea what you are gonna be right now. Yes, of course you still can design or plan for you to work and strive in achieving your dream. Sometimes, you make some "risk assessment"(mcm nk masuk lab) so, hoping that you make something perfect for that day. But sometimes your day doesn't go well. eg, your experiment turns into failure. Yet, some people who are not patience enough, they will start to do something insane. Everything became so blur and every steps that being taken became so wrong. Therefore, be calm and think clearly when doing judges.

Be patience ok!
Life is full of adversities, it is sometimes sweet and it can be a little bit bitter. Believing that everything that happened either it is good or bad came from the luck is actually not based on our aqidah(belief). There are some people who blame the fate, these are the person who did not dare to accept the truth. Make a decision, think carefully and act upon your choice. Yuuki Kei had said,"life is about selecting, and selecting is to cast off other choices". The outcomes might be good or not too bad. As being said in Quran:
"And We task not any person except according to his capacity, and with Us is a Record which speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged." (23:62)
Therefore, start making your own decision today and be more responsible to your life!
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