Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011
The End

Assalamua'laikm... to you all...
Alhmdulillah, it's already the end of the Sarawak State Election 2011. Macam2 poster n bendera telah menghiasi dan mewarnai Sarawak nie. Dari banner yg besar sampai yg kecik, dari yg ayat2 manis untill kata2 yg agak kasar, semuanya dihidangkan oleh ahli2 politik negara kepada rakyat kat sini. Yg untung giler time nih dealer bendera, drinking water, burger dan taukey printing banner. hohoho...
Anyway, congrats kat yg menang, tapi yg kalah tu boleh lah try again.
OK... tengah2 aku kira2 nucleotide for Amelogenin locus, DYS locus and APOB locus.... teringat plak kata2 dari Mifune kat Hanzao of the Salamander:
"People who continue to put their lives on the line to defend their faith become heroes and will continue to exist in legends! Stop bending your faith and scraping away your body... give up trying to refine and polish yourself. Your attack doesn't have the sharpness it used to! Because of that, your blade is dirtied with blood. Bluntness will not last! People are like swords!" - Mifune-
Yup... I agreed
Believing in yourself and self improvement will lead you to victory. But if you can feel satisfied of what you are, it's mean that you are still lacking of something. WHY?? Because you're still breathing, that's why. Although you have EVERYTHING, it doesn't mean that you are the winner and I'am a looser.
Think your thought...
Thinking carefully and look to the problem in a big picture might will help you from having any bad speculations or misunderstanding to your future. People who doesn't have any aim or clear vision are the one who easily feeling self worthless. The doubt is just like a sharp knives, that shredded away your self confidence. Leaving you with confusions and anger.
Therefore, we have to keep thinking about how do we gonna improve this life. Includes ourself, our family and our friends.
So, ape yg related ngan our life? Just imagine, sorang student yg top scores, selalu mendapat keputusan yg excellent. If at one period of time die kate, "haah.. x payah nak struggle banyak2 buat penat jee." Lama kelamaan, hadirlah sifat malas yg makin menebal dalam dirinye. So, tidaklah menjadi top scores dalam badge-nya lepas tu. Masalah makin bertambah dan menimbun, kelihatan lab report yg masih belum complete bersusun2 di tepi katilnya. Sekali lagi dia berkata, "aah, besok aku try slow talk ngan lecturer aku lah, then aku just copy je report dari kawan aku tu. Mesti dapat punye lah." Bukan sahaja report, tapi serba-serbi dia manjadi malas. Sekali sahaja nak buat sesuatu mesti je nak kene tangguh besoklah, karanglah, lain kalilah dan macam2. Sebenarnya dia tak tau pun yg dia dijangkiti penyakit 'MALAS'. Dah lah malas, suke plak bertangguh. Tau tak sape yg suka bertangguh ataupun diberi tempoh?
Iblis berkata: Wahai Tuhanku! Jika demikian, berilah tempoh kepadaku hingga ke hari mereka dibangkitkan (hari kiamat). Allah berfirman: Dengan permohonanmu itu, maka sesungguhnya engkau dari golongan yang diberi tempoh; QS[38: 79-80]
Habis tu, there's no satisfaction in life?
No, tak semuanye macam begitu. Haritu aku ade dengar kuliah dari Abd. Rahim Green kat TheDeenShow. Die ade bace satu buku psychology about "how to achieve happiness?". What's make you happy? Ok, this is a long term scientific studies, from different people and sections of society around the world. Not an anecdote. They discovered that the things that make you truly happy are not things like watching movies, playing games, having beers with friends or getting drunk. They found that they didn't report high level of happiness. people they found the most happy when they are struggling, sometimes at their very limit ability. The more when they at their limit ability, the more happiness and satisfaction they achieve. As long as they struggling and achieve something that make them feel worthwhile.
Submit to one God (Allah)
Yupz.... Sometimes kalau kite pikir baik2 sambil makan karipap ngan minum teh, kita mesti rase yg sebenarnye hidup tanpa yg tanpa perjuangan, memang amat bosan. Macam makan karipap yg takde garam dan minum teh takde gule. Samelah dalam hidup nie. Mujahadah dlm kehidupan iaitu dengan bersungguh2 dalam mengikut perintah Allah SWT pada zaman ini memanglah satu dugaan yg terbesar bagi mereka yg faham erti sebenar mereka wujud kat planet bumi nie. Heah...
Allah SWT ade kate:
" Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mahukah Aku tunjukkan sesuatu perniagaan yang boleh menyelamatkan kamu dari azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya? Iaitu, kamu beriman kepada Allah dan rasulNya, serta kamu berjuang membela dan menegakkan agama Allah dengan harta benda dan diri kamu; yang demikian itulah yang lebih baik bagi kamu, jika kamu hendak mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya)." [61:10-11]
"Strive to the highest", bapak aku punyer motto... hemm, 'benchmark' yg kite kene letak mestilah yg paling tinggi iaitu untuk mendapat syurga Allah dengan keredhaanNya. So, dengan mengimprovekan diri dgn berlandaskan Syariat dengan istiqamah, insyallah diri akan rase sgt berharga. Yeah...
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
JUST10 min....
Baru ja tadi habis patu paper utk mid-term test, karang hari Khamis ade satu agi...
Again, pening aku plak pasal bnde nih.. Hemm, aku ade sorang kawan kat sini... Last time die sorok2kn penyakitnye, tapi at the end aku ngan bebudak laen pon nmpak mcm pelik jaa perangai die. Kejap dtg kuliah, kejap tak. So, aku malas lah nk tanye banyak2 nanti kang jadi mcm inspektor polis plak.
Then, last sem die ade terus terang kat kiteorg pasal penyakitnye, bunyik mmg agak serious jugak laa. Mmg emo giler time tu...
Then skg aku dpt tau dari sorg kawan die (yg die baru bagitau semalam). Tekejut jugak budak tu, n aku plak die salahkn pasal tak inform die awal2. Serbe salah plak aku d buatnye...
Tapi yg aku dengar yg baru2 nie dari budak tadi, kawan aku kate diagnose hari tue sbnrnye false diagnose.. Sbenarnye penyakitnye jauh lebih teruk.. aku pn tak tau nk wat pape.. Just doa je lah..... Tapi yg 2nd diagnose nie die stil tak inform lgi kat aku. Takpelah, aku x nk lah kecoh2 nanti kang lagik sakit plak die. Mmg serious, aku tak tau nk wat pape, just Doa n doa. Allah lah yg Maha Mengetahui segala2 nya...
Moga Allah menyembuhkan penyakitnya,
Moga kawan aku tue sembuh spt sediakala..
Ok, dah cukup 10 minit... aku kene pegi dulu..
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Counting my last minutes...

Ihya' Sunnah
After Ihya' Sunnah prog at 12.45am,....
It was just like some memory fragment, that I don't know where does these things suddenly came out!! Slowly I closed my file and try pretending to sleep.... But I failed, my blurr visions suddenly turns into unstoppable tears... bursting antagonistically with my will.
.... I hate to recall it anymore, but all of those tears doesn't make me hurt at all. It gives me strength and hopes that sometimes make me smiling alone. I know there's nothing shall be forever in the world. Accept our Lord, that is Allah SWT.
The bond of our friendships is too valuable for me. Seriously, I still can't find anyone that are better than you guys here. Maybe because we shared the same bitterness and sweetness of memories along with this friendships. Hemm, it is too hard for me to believe this could be the end. But, if we meet and left in the sake of Allah, thats will make our friendships became priceless and beautiful for us.
-taking a deep breath for a while in this aircond room-
Yupz... it was 2.55am, and i started to pack my stuff into my bag. Waking up my friend and get ready to get out from that compound. Just only fews people that I manage to met and greet that morning. Thank you again to that person. =)
To all my great and awesome friends, ....... I hope we can meet again in the future. Actually the world is too small, i'am sure we'll face again next time.
Assalamua'laikum & Bye...
(p/s: This is not a suicide letter )
Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'am using Ubuntu (Linux) as my 2nd OS(operating system).
Haa... last time aku pikir mid-sem exam sebelum cuti. Anyway, skg 'I-buntu'. Bukan pasal Ubuntu tau.. hehehe.. Pasal harie tue aku jmpe tiket murah Air Asia, so aku beli lah. Tengok2nye, lecturer ak kate nk wat exam mid-term lepas cuti... What!! haiyooo...
Pi balik Melaka hari nie.... Nak bertapa seminggu kat umah kayu, dengan beberapa pokok pisang. Then, aku ingatkn 2April nie kengkawan aku kat KL ade prog Ihya Sunnah. Cheh, salah haribulan lak... jezz.. (just tunggu rakaman je lah, kalau diorg rakam)
hehe.. mate yg pelik
Anyway, I'll start meditating by tomorrow. Until I can sense and then gather the natural energy (自然エネルギー, shizen enerugī) around me. With the notes of Biochem: Gene & protein and Environmental Microbs. So, I can reach the state called Sage Mode, which can then drastically increase the strength of all ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu and Examjutsu!! wooha..
MOga semuanye dipermudahkan oleh Allah..
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