Ihya' Sunnah
After Ihya' Sunnah prog at 12.45am,....
It was just like some memory fragment, that I don't know where does these things suddenly came out!! Slowly I closed my file and try pretending to sleep.... But I failed, my blurr visions suddenly turns into unstoppable tears... bursting antagonistically with my will.
.... I hate to recall it anymore, but all of those tears doesn't make me hurt at all. It gives me strength and hopes that sometimes make me smiling alone. I know there's nothing shall be forever in the world. Accept our Lord, that is Allah SWT.
The bond of our friendships is too valuable for me. Seriously, I still can't find anyone that are better than you guys here. Maybe because we shared the same bitterness and sweetness of memories along with this friendships. Hemm, it is too hard for me to believe this could be the end. But, if we meet and left in the sake of Allah, thats will make our friendships became priceless and beautiful for us.
-taking a deep breath for a while in this aircond room-
Yupz... it was 2.55am, and i started to pack my stuff into my bag. Waking up my friend and get ready to get out from that compound. Just only fews people that I manage to met and greet that morning. Thank you again to that person. =)
To all my great and awesome friends, ....... I hope we can meet again in the future. Actually the world is too small, i'am sure we'll face again next time.
Assalamua'laikum & Bye...
(p/s: This is not a suicide letter )
sbb jd antara insan yg d temui sblum blk itu...
baru ckp sruh post dlm blog...
rupanya dah post siap2 sblum blk...
apa2pun, thanks for coming...
gud luck for ur exam...
wish can meet u again...
same goes utk fatil jgk...!!!~
kehadiran kalian ckup byk mbantu dan menaikkan smgt smua ahli Ihya' Sunnah...
Syukran Jazilan...
haah... antara org2nye, andi, are-man, zaid (die bangun kejap pastu tido balek) n aQiE... Jazakallah khairan katsiran pada Fathil yg sanggup drive time 3am tu.. (sampai sesat2 lah) >_<
ReplyDeleteHarap2 segala ilmu2 yg ada dpt diturunkan pada pelapis MYA akan datang.
Kak Andi, take care of your health ya!!
huhuhu...klu tau fathil nak hntr p LCCT, blh tlg bg direction yg senang sket...hehehe...Insya Allah akan jaga kesihatan ni sebaik yg mungkin...kmu jugak, take a good care...
ReplyDeleteinsyallah.... thnx Kak Andi!