I'am using Ubuntu (Linux) as my 2nd OS(operating system).
Haa... last time aku pikir mid-sem exam sebelum cuti. Anyway, skg 'I-buntu'. Bukan pasal Ubuntu tau.. hehehe.. Pasal harie tue aku jmpe tiket murah Air Asia, so aku beli lah. Tengok2nye, lecturer ak kate nk wat exam mid-term lepas cuti... What!! haiyooo...
Pi balik Melaka hari nie.... Nak bertapa seminggu kat umah kayu, dengan beberapa pokok pisang. Then, aku ingatkn 2April nie kengkawan aku kat KL ade prog Ihya Sunnah. Cheh, salah haribulan lak... jezz.. (just tunggu rakaman je lah, kalau diorg rakam)
hehe.. mate yg pelik
Anyway, I'll start meditating by tomorrow. Until I can sense and then gather the natural energy (自然エネルギー, shizen enerugī) around me. With the notes of Biochem: Gene & protein and Environmental Microbs. So, I can reach the state called Sage Mode, which can then drastically increase the strength of all ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu and Examjutsu!! wooha..
MOga semuanye dipermudahkan oleh Allah..
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